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Short Stories Prompts

short stories prompts

How To Use Short Stories Prompts For Better Short Stories

Short stories prompts are a great way to get your creative juices flowing. They also serve as an excellent form of entertainment when you need it!

What are short stories prompts?

short story prompts

Short story writing prompts are just what they sound like: a set of random words or phrases that encourage you to write a short story. Prompts can be anything:

– One liner ideas (e.g., I woke up with blood on my hands)

– Descriptions (e.g., old manor house, abandoned asylum)

What is the purpose of a short story writing prompt?

Short story writing prompts are a great way to deal with writer’s block or even just to relax and have some fun! It can be tough sometimes to come up with fresh and interesting ideas for stories. These short story writing prompts can help you find inspiration and get your creative juices flowing.

Short stories are also a good way to practice your craft. They allow you to experiment with characters, settings, and storylines without investing too much time. And once you’ve written a few stories, it becomes easier to come up with new ideas for your next one.

What should I do if someone steals my short stories prompt?

If someone has already used the prompt that you want to use, do not despair! You can always take the prompt in a different direction. For example, if you see someone has already written a story about an abandoned asylum, do not decide to write about an old manor house just because that was your original idea.

You don’t have to credit or mention anyone else’s work when using prompts. Everyone is here to write their own stories and share them with the world.

If you still think that somebody has stolen your prompt, please let us know about it by sending an e-mail to . We can remove any prompt if we suspect plagiarism.

Remember, creativity is the hallmark of a good writer!

The best way to create short stories prompts

to just take a pen and paper and jot down whatever comes to your mind. These can be anything: random words, phrases, sentences, lyrics from songs you like or memorable quotes from your favorite books. You could even use prompts that other people have come up with!

Creativity is the key, so don’t worry about coming up with the most original prompts. Just relax, have fun, and enjoy yourself.

How to get started with short stories prompts

Here is a list of 10 short story prompts that will give you some ideas for what to write about:

1) What if the world was overrun by zombies?

2) Write about the last conversation with your best friend before they died.

3) Write about two people who find themselves in love but their relationship is doomed from the start.

4) Describe one day in the life of someone living in poverty.

5) What would happen if all books were banned and no one could read them anymore?

6) Write about how your town changed after 9-11.

7) A man goes on vacation without his family on his birthday for the first time in 15 years.

8) Describe what happens when an alien visits Earth on a reconnaissance mission.

9) Write about one day of your life where everything goes wrong.

10) Imagine you are living in Ancient Greece and write about how you feel about being a slave or a master.

How do I write a short story with these prompts?

After you’ve decided on one or more short stories prompts that you want to use, the next step is writing your story. The best way to go about this is to just take it one word at a time and let the words and characters come to you naturally.

To create a story around one of these prompts, there are no hard and fast rules. You might want to begin by asking yourself some questions about your narrator or protagonist:

– Who is he/she?

– Where does he/she live?

– What is the conflict in this story?

– How does he/she feel about it?

– What is at stake?

Once you’ve established some basic facts about your character and his/her circumstances, just let the story take its course. It may help to write a rough outline of events before you begin writing, but don’t get too bogged down in details. Just write and see where the story takes you.

When writing a short story, what makes it good? There are many components that make up a good short story, but here are some of the most important ones:

– Unique characters with interesting quirks.

– A unique setting.

– Intriguing dialogue that reveals the attitudes and personalities of your characters.

– Succinct writing that illuminates the story but does not bore or distract your readers with too many details.

What are the best ways to write a short story?


The best way to write a short story is to let the words flow naturally. Don’t overthink your story or try to control every word that you write. Let the ideas come to you instead of trying to force them out.

Here are some other best practices for writing short stories:

– Start with a compelling image, line of dialogue, or premise. This will give readers something interesting to latch onto.

– Be prepared to make some changes if the story does not seem to be working out. This may involve completely revising your story, or simply cutting certain parts of it, depending on what is needed to make your narrative stronger.

– You can also experiment with different types of short stories , such as sci fi short stories, literary short stories, mystery short stories, etc.

– At the end of your story, you can also choose to leave it open ended if that feels right for what you’re writing. This means that there is no single perfect conclusion or solution to the problem in your story. It’s up to readers to decide what happens next and make their own inferences.

– Edit your short stories until you’re satisfied with them. Read through them out loud so that you can catch any grammatical errors or awkward sentences.

Do I need to write dialogue in a short story?

You can choose to include or exclude dialogue depending on what works for your narrative. If the story would flow better without it, you can avoid dialogue altogether.

If you do choose to include dialogue, there are a few best practices that you should keep in mind:

– Dialogue should never be used as an information dump — where the characters just talk and talk about things that we really don’t care about. Every line of dialogue should either reveal something new and interesting about your characters or move the story forward.

– Each character should have a unique voice and personality, which will be revealed through their dialogue.

– Keep your dialogue as concise as possible. This will make it easier for readers to process and also help them feel the rapid pace of conversation.

Does every short story need a protagonist?

Some short stories, such as flash fiction pieces, may not have a protagonist (or any real characters at all). However, the majority of short stories do indeed feature protagonists.

What makes a good protagonist? Your protagonist should be relatable and interesting enough to keep readers’ attention throughout your story. Although they don’t need to be likeable or perfect, readers should understand and sympathize with your protagonist in some way.

Some other qualities that you might want to include in your protagonist:

– A conflict of some type

– An internal or external goal

– A flaw or problem that they need to overcome

How do I choose the point of view for my short story? The point of view is the perspective in which you’re telling your story, such as first person or third person. It’s up to you to decide what works best for you and your narrative, but here are a few things that may help:

– First person point of view involves “I” and can make a short story feel more intimate and personal. It can also be more difficult to pull off well since you need to get into the head of one character.

– Third person point of view lets you show multiple characters’ actions and thoughts, but it’s often less personal than first person. This may work better for longer short stories with more characters involved.

– Omniscient third person is a great choice if you have a larger cast of characters who all need to be fleshed out. It can also help in stories that require a lot of world-building.

– If you’re not sure what point of view to use, try writing your short story in multiple perspectives and then choosing the one that feels most organic and natural for your narrative.

How long should a short story be?

This is completely subjective and will vary from writer to writer. How many words you use is up to you, although you can always try checking your word count by pasting your text into  quick word counter.


Your story is unique. It deserves to be told. We’ll help you write it with our short story prompts and writing exercises for kids, teens, or adults that will get your creative juices flowing! Come on in and explore the world of imaginative storytelling today.

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